Home / 2013 / CHD and Baby Talk

CHD and Baby Talk

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

By Meghann Ackerman

It started right after we got married.

“When are you going to have a baby?”

In case my in-laws find this blog, no, this is not an announcement, but it’s something Victor and I have talked about. And, of course, his congenital heart defect has colored some of those discussions.

After talking to Victor’s cardiologist, we found out that the risk for any of our future children to be born with congenital heart defects is only slightly higher than the risk for a baby with two heart-healthy parents. It also helps that it’s Victor who has the congenital heart defect; apparently the risk goes up a bit more if it’s the mother who has a heart condition.

Knowing that medicine and technology is improving exponentially and seeing how “normal” of a life someone with CHD can have now is also very encouraging.

At the same time, I realize that CHD encompasses a wide range of issues, including many much worse than we’re dealing with. And, of course, any surgeries do come with some risk.

Fortunately, I guess, I’m OK with taking calculated risks. How this will work out for our family is yet to be seen, but the more I learn, the less scary it seems.


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