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Leadership and Staff

ACHA staff plays a critical role in running the organization, developing and conducting programs and assuring that ACHA achieves its mission.

Staff liaise with ACHA members, the Board of Directors, the Medical Advisory Board, and Patient & Family Advisory Board, as well as medical professionals, researchers, policymakers and people impacted by CHD around the United States. If you would like to contact any of our staff, please email info@achaheart.org and we will put you in touch! 


Mark Roeder President and CEO
Brooke Anderson Senior Events Coordinator
Julio Araujo Volunteer Manager
Liz Ciccarella Donor and Data Senior Coordinator
Karla Deal Peer Mentor Coordinator
Jessica DiGiovanni Director of Development
Cortney Faust Accreditation Manager
Janine E. Guglielmino Director of Patient Resources & Advocacy
Danielle M. Hile Senior Director of Medical Affairs
Jennifer Hockenhull Director of Finance
Jessica Kruse South Central Regional Specialist ACHA in the South Central Region
Paula Miller Senior Education Manager
Terri Schaefer Director of Marketing and Communications
Christine Wenzl Midwest Regional Engagement Specialist ACHA in the Midwest
Kerry Wevodau Director of Walk for 1 in 100