It warms my heart to know how many amazing friends I have! Each one brings something much needed into my life. The number of people I call “friend” is significant but their effect on my being is even greater. I could write for pages on just how remarkable each and every friend is to me but today’s blog post is dedicated to three of them in particular.
In May of this past year I walked in the Delaware Valley Congenital Heart Walk. But I was not walking alone. There were three incredible young women matching me step for step. These were a trio of individuals who I knew from different parts of my life.
I met Cate about three to four years ago when I joined a writers’ group. She’s so full of life, laughter and unwavering friendship. Her zest for life is infectious and I’m privileged to call her my friend. When KC came to one of my writing workshops last year I knew I’d found a kindred spirit. She gets my corny jokes, loves to write and laughs even more. I started working with Ashley earlier this year and am thrilled and blessed that her journey led her across my path. Before moving on to her next adventure she consistently had me smiling during the work day. We clicked instantly.
All three of these tremendous women signed up to walk with me during the Congenital Heart Walk in May. None of them had ever met one another but I knew their personalities would be well-matched. We hadn’t even arrived at Cooper River Park before the laughs began, thanks to my affinity for getting turned around in Jersey. By the time we finally arrived and met up with Ashley we’d had quite a slew of interesting stories. I don’t think we stopped talking from the time we started until the moment we went our separate ways.
The sun was shining, the weather perfect and the company exceptional. As we strolled around the park we talked, we laughed and we motivated one another. We admired the rather fit runners who passed by, chuckled at the silliest situations and just enjoyed one another’s company. I was honored to have them by my side and am even more thrilled that the camaraderie has continued.
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