During this season we tend to stop what we’re doing and give thanks for what we have, the people in our lives and the blessings we’ve been bestowed. For that reason, Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday. More than just the delicious feast or watching the many parades, I love this particular holiday because we get to take time out of our busy lives and just enjoy one another’s company.
Every time I look in the mirror I am reminded how thankful I am for being alive. Since my heart rules a great deal of my life, spirituality and choices, it should be no surprise that a day meant to show thanks and appreciation means so much to me. In the spirit of this season here are just a few groups/people for which I’m thankful…
- Doctors/nurses/specialists: I would be remiss to not be appreciative for this group of people. If not for them I may not be here to write this post. I’m thankful for the doctors who found the heart defect, the ones who advised my parents, and those who performed the surgery and the follow-up care I received. I’m thankful for all those dedicated nurses who saw to my wellbeing at such a young age. I was most likely not happy with anybody, so I can only imagine the patience, dedication and skill of those wonderful individuals who sought to bring me comfort during such a difficult time.
- Family: I’m thankful for my parents, my sisters, my brothers-in-law, my niece, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and all my extended family. I’m grateful to have had two parents who always told us they loved us, gave us hugs and raised us with respect and appreciation for one another. Not to mention the added benefit of a fun-loving sense of humor!
- Friends: Throughout my life so far I’ve been extremely lucky to have met many individuals whom I consider friends. Our lives have crossed at different points, but no matter how much time passes the level of care and appreciation never wanes. I have friends I talk to every week, ones I haven’t seen in weeks, months, years and even decades. But when the chips are down, when it truly matters most, time is never a deterrent. Time does not figure into my definition of friendship. I’ve thankful for all those wonderful people who’ve been a part of my life. For those who were there to listen to me vent and to all the times I broke out into song!
- Inspirations: I don’t have heroes, but I do have inspirations—people whose choices, life paths and talents have moved me to re-examine my actions or inactions. These are people in various walks of life, people I’ve never met, and people who’ve touched my life on a personal level. For instance, my acting teacher in college who saw something in me—saw a talent I never envisioned I had. Writers in film and television whose work I find engaging, smart and full of internal conflict. And my mother, a woman of incredible strength, kindness and humility. She’s a woman with whom I don’t always agree, but one whom I love unconditionally—just as she’s done for me.
I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! And may all of our “thank yous” continue throughout the year.
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