25 Michigan St. NE
Suite 4200
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
United States
Adult/Pediatric Hospital
Clinic Staffing
Medical Director

5 Additional Cardiologists attend Clinic

Nursing & Other Staff
Care Setting
Helen DeVos Children's Hospital
Training & Research
Satellite Clinics
Director's Description
The Adult Congenital Heart program is led by specially trained experts to care for complex heart defects and accommodate the changes individuals experience throughout their lifetime. Specially trained adult congenital cardiologists, psychologists, care coordinators, and medical social worker make up the multidisciplinary team.
With the goal to help adolescent and adults with congenital heart disease understand and successfully manager their own care, the program offers adult congenital cardiology clinics in Grand Rapids and surrounding area. Through education and collaborative care, the clinic promotes increased awareness of the following: medication and preventing infection; healthy lifestyle choices and safe exercise; birth control; pregnancy, and childbearing; career choices; planning advance directives; obtaining insurance and/or financial support; societal support and benefits available; and psychosocial support systems. The clinic also offers a seamless transition of care from pediatric to specialized adult congenital care within the same department.