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Posts by Tracey Grasty

We have had dozens of bloggers since this blog began who have been so open with their stories. If you are interested in blogging, too, we'd love to hear from you. Please email info@achaheart.org.

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Half a Century with Half a Heart

by Tracey Grasty on Thursday, Jan 28, 2016

Sometimes I get scared I will be all alone. I'm scared my parents will leave me all alone because they are in their 80s. I need to have a Fontan revision sometime in the near future, but I'm scared I won't do well, or I will have to go it all alone because—let's face it—my mom won't fly, she has health issues of her own, and my dad, who is older than her, needs to keep her safe.

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Not Cured

by Tracey Grasty on Friday, Nov 20, 2015

Hi readers, my name is Tracey, and I write to you today as a 49-year-old woman with tricuspid atresia (TA), hypoplastic right heart syndrome, atrial septal defect, and ventricular septal defect. I have had three heart surgeries: the BT shunt, the Waterston shunt, and the RA-PA Fontan (on the surgery front, I also have scoliosis and wore a Milwaukee brace for 5 ½ years, then had a Harrington rod placement surgery in 1983).

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