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Posts by Allie Gasiorowski

We have had dozens of bloggers since this blog began who have been so open with their stories. If you are interested in blogging, too, we'd love to hear from you. Please email info@achaheart.org.

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The Power of Camp

by Allie Gasiorowski on Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018

A few years ago, on the last night at Camp Odayin, a camp for kids with heart conditions, campers and staff were asked to write down one word to describe what Camp Odayin means to them. Some of the answers were: Camp is… Understanding. Friends. Awesome. Belonging. Memories. Freedom. Relief. Sisterhood. Steady Heartbeat. Euphoria. Unity. Family. Home.

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by Allie Gasiorowski on Friday, Jun 09, 2017

I am one in 100. And after this past weekend at the Adult Congenital Heart Association’s (ACHA) 8th National Conference, I am also, proudly and passionately, one of 502. I am one person of the 502 people who attended this conference, who furthered our knowledge of congenital heart defects (CHD), met others with our same conditions, surgeries, limitations and backgrounds, and learned what we can do to advocate for ourselves and our heart family and make the Adult Congenital Heart Association the leading nonprofit serving the CHD community in the world. In the simplest of terms, after this weekend, I am amazed and empowered.

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My “Heart Family”

by Allie Gasiorowski on Thursday, Apr 27, 2017

Throughout the first 12 years of my life, I was presented with a few opportunities to meet other patients with congenital heart defects. There were no other young heart patients that I knew of at school, in my community theater family, or in my dance classes, but throughout my four heart surgeries, my family and I connected with patients in the hospital enduring the same everyday struggles.

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How CHD Impacts One's Social Life

by Allie Gasiorowski on Wednesday, Aug 24, 2016

I am a glass half full kind of person. Regardless of what I’ve been going through over the years, I’ve learned that there will always be someone enduring even greater struggles.

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8 Reasons Why I Love My Dysfunctional Heart

by Allie Gasiorowski on Tuesday, Mar 08, 2016

If given the opportunity, I would not give up my heart defect. That might seem silly to some—why wouldn’t I take a chance to be completely “normal”? To be able to run, play contact sports, and not have to worry about medications? No monthly blood draws or the extra worry every time I fall because of blood thinners? Why am I thankful for my heart defect? Well, let me tell you...

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The opinions expressed by ACHA bloggers and those providing comments on the ACHA Blog are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the Adult Congenital Heart Association or any employee thereof. ACHA is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by the ACHA bloggers.

The contents of this blog are presented for informational purposes only, and should not be substituted for professional advice. Always consult your physicians with your questions and concerns.