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A Provider's Perspective on the ACHA National Conference

Friday, January 14, 2022

By Wilson Lam, MD

ACHA's 9th National Conference will take place this summer, and you're invited! This event is a great opportunity for all members of the ACHD community—including patients, family members, and providers—to learn, network, and have fun! We hope you will join us from June 23-25, 2022, at the Radisson Blu Mall of America in Bloomington, MN.

In this blog post, Dr. Wilson Lam, past conference attendee and speaker, participated in a Q&A with ACHA to share more about the benefits and unique opportunity of of joining ACHA at the National Conference. We hope to see you in Minnesota! Visit achaheart.org/conf2022 for more information and to register. 


Q: Why is the ACHA National Conference an important event for you, your fellow providers, and patients?
A: The ACHA National Conference is the premier cardiology meeting that puts healthcare teams in the same educational sessions as their patients. What's new, what's cutting edge, what are the big debates? We all hear the science together in hopes of applying the best practice for the best outcomes for a better tomorrow. Leaders from around the globe come to share their expertise and receive others' experience to advance the cause.

Q: What is your favorite part of the conference?
A: I love the science – watching the top abstracts helps me mold my practice. I love the breakout sessions – they are smaller groups, with open access to other providers for questions. But seeing patients and healthcare workers fill the auditorium for the main plenary sessions – that's a sight to see!

Q: What is the impact of the ACHA conference on the CHD community?
A: First and foremost, the ACHA conference means awareness. Just like all the subspecialties of cardiology—intervention, electrophysiology, heart failure—having a dedicated conference for ACHD is a coming-of-age for a relatively young but important field. Second, the advances presented at the meeting can be rapidly disseminated to healthcare teams across the USA and the world, and collaboration on research can help us figure out the next game-changer for CHD patients. Lastly, I think the message of having patients and their physicians in the same room makes a difference; it says we are all here to listen and grow together.

Q: Why do you hope to be able to attend the conference in June?
A: Simply put, I enjoy the community and the company. It's refreshing to see so many like-minded people coming together to further knowledge in ACHD care. I come back from the meeting reinvigorated to do a better job for my patients!


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