Home / 2017 / A Message to Jimmy Kimmel and His Family

A Message to Jimmy Kimmel and His Family

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

By Paula Miller

By now we’re sure you’ve seen the news about Jimmy Kimmel’s son, who was born on April 21 with a congenital heart defect. The message we shared below on Facebook to Jimmy and his family is from ACHA’s Senior Education Manager Paula Miller.

“Thank you for sharing your heart, soul, and beautiful ‘mini me’ son, Billy, with us on Jimmy Kimmel Live. We know this is an emotional time for you, your wife and family, but want you to know that the Adult Congenital Heart Association looks forward to you joining us as a congenital heart disease advocate as we raise awareness about the #1 birth defect, which gets little attention nationally. I was born with Tetralogy of Fallot without pulmonary atresia and am living a productive life, personally and professionally. As an adult with CHD, I am maintaining care with quality adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) medical providers. In addition, I am using my education as a master’s-prepared RN to serve the ACHD community as Senior Education Manager at the Adult Congenital Heart Association, where our mission is to improve and extend the lives of the millions born with heart defects through education, advocacy and promoting research. Jimmy, we wish you and your family well and are here for you all as you continue this lifelong journey with Billy.”


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