I used to respond to "Tell us something unique about yourself" with "Well, I had open heart surgery before the age of two." Now my response is, "I am a writer!"
It's been suggested that I tend to give too much power to my ailments and not enough to my positive attributes. Do I fall back on an event that left me powerless instead of one that made me feel strong and alive? Sometimes, yes, I do.
As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I also struggled with depression for most of my life. "I am a congenital heart patient. I've battled depression." How about, "I survived open heart surgery and thrive. I find healthy and artistic outlets when life seems overwhelming." I'm learning to use the latter responses more and more. As a result, I've felt more motivated and inspired than I have been in years.
I am cognizant of my physical limitations. I need to watch my salt intake and exercise more to keep my ticker ticking but wallowing in the past and that which was out of my hands only creates stress—and that's just as able to stop ticking all together.
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