It never fails to amaze me how happy a great visit to my ACHD doctor can make me. For me it’s like winning the lottery. There are a bunch of mixed emotions that crash together inside me. Elation at the good news. The drastic change from slight anxiousness to full-on relief. Pride in the fact that I did everything I was asked to do—and more—to get healthier. And definitely gratitude to my entire cardiac team for repairing all my heart’s broken bits and the guidance on what I should do to get healthy.
Last month was my very late one year post-op physical. This is the one that they will measure everything against in the future. Neither of my valves were leaking, I doubled my exercise output and my dosage of Carvedilol was reduced. Here’s the thing: I didn’t do anything special. Certainly, not anything that others couldn’t do. I walk every day, I take my meds on time and I eat healthy meals (most of the time).
Doing the things your doctor tells you to do might help you have a good appointment, too. For me, this meant I got to walk away with a smile on my face.
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The contents of this blog are presented for informational purposes only, and should not be substituted for professional advice. Always consult your physicians with your questions and concerns.