Home / 2012 / End of the Year Sentiments

End of the Year Sentiments

Friday, December 28, 2012

By Ellen Greenberg

I believe the holidays do something to people. I think it makes us introspective. Such as, what can I change about myself, where did the year go, was I a good person? People begin to share and care. Is this for real or is it for show to make them feel better about themselves and end the year on a high note? I do not know; I cannot speak for others.

But I can speak for myself. I know that I have worked extremely hard and conscientiously at all of the above all year. However, I am closing in on a big educational accomplishment—achieving a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education. I think it is my pull towards my studies that makes me feel as if I am not contributing enough and that I am not fulfilling my other dream of singing (a massively expensive hobby). When I do perform, I donate money to ACHA. I do what I can. Perhaps in spite of my defect and my work ethic, I feel it is not enough until all my pie-in-the-sky dreams—such as having a musical album donated to love songs and songs of the heart—are completed that I have done enough.

This brings me to last night, when I wrote a note online stating that I had no idea what to write for my blog and that I don’t feel I contribute enough. What does that mean? The word enough is so vast. If I were to have said that I do not contribute, then I would not be writing this post and sharing my thoughts. Just by posting about my feelings about this scenario shows that, indeed, I am contributing. Does it not?

For me to contribute, it needs to be hands-on. I need to share my knowledge and my experiences, not just to the outside community, but keep my involvement and friendships within the CHD community. Being part of something is huge for me. I only stand behind causes and people I believe in, naturally.

I am not nearly done in the cardiac community—if anything, I am just starting. I cannot promise there will be an album, but I can promise I will inquire about how to do so in 2013. I will continue to do my part and even more so when I can for ACHA.

Let us try to keep safe and healthy this coming year!


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